Unlike other years, IHSA did not facilitate/edit its own publication in 2021. However we did want to create an overview of what publications came out of the conference from participants itself.

Author(s)/ Editor(s) Link to Panel/Paper on IHSA website  Citation and link to publication (journals, articles, blogs etc) 
Ritchie, Holly Frugal innovations and technology: aiding self-reliance and resilience amongst crisis affected groups? Ritchie, H. (2022) An institutional perspective to bridging the divide: The case of Somali women refugees fostering digital inclusion in the volatile context of urban Kenya, New Media and Society (Special Issue) 24(2):345-364
Stibral, Adriana

Zadeh-Cummings, Nazanin

Clarke, Matthew

Practical Leadership through Education Stibral, A., Zadeh-Cummings, N., and Clarke, M. 2022. ‘Mastering Humanitarianism? A survey of postgraduate humanitarian courses.’ Higher Education.
Beata, Paragi The nexus of data protection and counter-terrorism measures in the context of aid projects implemented in the Global South by EU/EEA-based NGOs The Art of Screening: Civil surveillance and the use of digital tools as a preventive measure in the context of aid work. Surveillance and Society, under review
Gloria Frisone, PhD EHESS, Fondation croix rouge française, Paris  Territorial and social inequalties in aging prevention for elderly immigrants in Seine-Saint-Denis (France) Frisone G., en publication, L’isolement des immigrés vieillissants en Seine-Saint-Denis, Les papiers de la Fondation, Fondation croix rouge française 
Cunningham, Andrew (editor) The Politics of Negotiating with Authoritarian Regimes Forthcoming edited volume with the Routledge Humanitarian Studies Series: Authoritarian Practices and Humanitarian Negotiations (mid-2023). Presenters contributing chapters: Claudia Astarita, Kouta FUTSUKI,  Imri Schattner-Ornan, ALVARO DE ARGUELLES, Maximilian Bertamini, Kristoffer Lidén, and Kristina Roepstorff
Liebling, Helen., Barrett, Hazel. & Artz, Lillian. The Safety of Strangers: humanitarian protection in South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda Submitting article entitled:  Social Justice Impact of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and/or Torture amongst South Sudanese Refugees Living in Settlements in Northern Uganda in International Journal of Law and Psychiatry.
Ngila Kikuni, Ibrahim Bridging the gaps between knowledge and action in Disaster Risk Reduction Ngila Kikuni, I. et Munenge Mudage, F., La protection des personnes handicapées en temps de conflits armés au Nord-Kivu : défis et perspectives. Cet article a été sacré gagnant de la 3ème édition du Concours Régional de Rédaction en Droit International Humanitaire organisé par le Bureau Régional du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) en Côte d’Ivoire.
Rosier, Morgane & Savard, Marie-Claude Implementing the Grand Bargain on the ground: Lessons and Reflections from the Pacific Rosier, M. and Savard, M.-C. (forthcoming). Yumi stanap strong : la localisation de l’aide en contexte de COVID-19 au Vanuatu. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d’études du développement
Funke, Carolin & Dijkzeul, Dennis Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups in Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction Funke, Carolin and Dennis Dijkzeul (2022) From Commitment to Action: Towards a Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Response in South Sudan. IFHV Working Paper Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2021, pp. 1-94. 
Cetinoglu, Talita and Yilmaz, Volkan Rethinking Cash Assistance within Humanitarian Response Cetinoglu, Talita, and Volkan Yilmaz (2020). “A Contextual Policy Analysis of a Cash Programme in a Humanitarian Setting: The Case of the Emergency Social Safety Net in Turkey.” Disasters, April. https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12438
Sofie Lilli Stoffel, Kirstin Kreyscher Hierarchies and Exclusion in Humanitarianism Sofie Lilli Stoffel and Kirstin Kreyscher, “Children as agents in crises: re-assessing adult-child power dynamics in humanitarian action”, Humanitarian Alternatives, no. 19, March 2022, pp. 8–20,
Michelle Alm Engvall, Shirin Heidari, Dorothea Hilhorst, Clea Kahn, and Megan Denise Smith Transactional Sex in Humanitarian Contexts Alm Engvall, M., Heidari, S., Hilhorst, D., Kahn, C., and Smith, M. (2022) Rethinking Transactional Sex in Humanitarian Settings: Reflections on the Way Forward. International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Blog on Global Development and Social Justice (BLISS).
Stéphanie Maltais Étude descriptive de l’agilité de l’humanitaire canadien au temps de la COVID-19 Maltais S (2022). Étude descriptive de l’agilité et de la résilience de l’humanitaire canadien au temps de la COVID-19, Revue canadienne des études du développement, Avril https://doi.org/10.1080/02255189.2022.2054783
Dorothea Hilhorst and Margit van Wessel Changing practices of humanitarian advocacy Dorothea Hilhorst and Margit van Wessel (2022, forthcoming). From Humanitarian Diplomacy to Advocacy: A Research Agenda. In: Kees Biekart and Alan Fowler (eds). A Research Agenda for Civil Society. Edward Elgar Publishers
Kahina Le Louvier and Karen Hough Borders and Subjectivities: Imagination, bodies, and political experiences Kahina Le Louvier and Karen Hough, eds. (Forthcoming). UK borderscapes. Routledge Borderlands Series. 
Marta Welander and Susanne Jaspars Everyday violence and resistance in Europe’s ‘migration management’ during the Covid-19 pandemic An anthology of essays –  Resisting anti-refugee regimes. ‘Everyday violence and resistance in Europe’s ‘migration management’ during the Covid-19 pandemic’
Kerrie Holloway Ebola and accountability Report: https://odi.org/en/publications/the-democratic-republic-of-congos-10th-ebola-response-lessons-on-international-leadership-and-coordination/
Kerrie Holloway The humanitarian ‘digital divide’ Policy brief: https://odi.org/en/publications/bridging-humanitarian-digital-divides-during-covid-19/