Unlike other years, IHSA did not facilitate/edit its own publication in 2021. However we did want to create an overview of what publications came out of the conference from participants itself.
Author(s)/ Editor(s) | Link to Panel/Paper on IHSA website | Citation and link to publication (journals, articles, blogs etc) |
Ritchie, Holly | Frugal innovations and technology: aiding self-reliance and resilience amongst crisis affected groups? | Ritchie, H. (2022) An institutional perspective to bridging the divide: The case of Somali women refugees fostering digital inclusion in the volatile context of urban Kenya, New Media and Society (Special Issue) 24(2):345-364 |
Stibral, Adriana
Zadeh-Cummings, Nazanin Clarke, Matthew |
Practical Leadership through Education | Stibral, A., Zadeh-Cummings, N., and Clarke, M. 2022. ‘Mastering Humanitarianism? A survey of postgraduate humanitarian courses.’ Higher Education. |
Beata, Paragi | The nexus of data protection and counter-terrorism measures in the context of aid projects implemented in the Global South by EU/EEA-based NGOs | The Art of Screening: Civil surveillance and the use of digital tools as a preventive measure in the context of aid work. Surveillance and Society, under review |
Gloria Frisone, PhD EHESS, Fondation croix rouge française, Paris | Territorial and social inequalties in aging prevention for elderly immigrants in Seine-Saint-Denis (France) | Frisone G., en publication, L’isolement des immigrés vieillissants en Seine-Saint-Denis, Les papiers de la Fondation, Fondation croix rouge française |
Cunningham, Andrew (editor) | The Politics of Negotiating with Authoritarian Regimes | Forthcoming edited volume with the Routledge Humanitarian Studies Series: Authoritarian Practices and Humanitarian Negotiations (mid-2023). Presenters contributing chapters: Claudia Astarita, Kouta FUTSUKI, Imri Schattner-Ornan, ALVARO DE ARGUELLES, Maximilian Bertamini, Kristoffer Lidén, and Kristina Roepstorff |
Liebling, Helen., Barrett, Hazel. & Artz, Lillian. | The Safety of Strangers: humanitarian protection in South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda | Submitting article entitled: Social Justice Impact of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and/or Torture amongst South Sudanese Refugees Living in Settlements in Northern Uganda in International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. |
Ngila Kikuni, Ibrahim | Bridging the gaps between knowledge and action in Disaster Risk Reduction | Ngila Kikuni, I. et Munenge Mudage, F., La protection des personnes handicapées en temps de conflits armés au Nord-Kivu : défis et perspectives. Cet article a été sacré gagnant de la 3ème édition du Concours Régional de Rédaction en Droit International Humanitaire organisé par le Bureau Régional du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) en Côte d’Ivoire. |
Rosier, Morgane & Savard, Marie-Claude | Implementing the Grand Bargain on the ground: Lessons and Reflections from the Pacific | Rosier, M. and Savard, M.-C. (forthcoming). Yumi stanap strong : la localisation de l’aide en contexte de COVID-19 au Vanuatu. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d’études du développement. |
Funke, Carolin & Dijkzeul, Dennis | Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups in Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction | Funke, Carolin and Dennis Dijkzeul (2022) From Commitment to Action: Towards a Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Response in South Sudan. IFHV Working Paper Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2021, pp. 1-94. |
Cetinoglu, Talita and Yilmaz, Volkan | Rethinking Cash Assistance within Humanitarian Response | Cetinoglu, Talita, and Volkan Yilmaz (2020). “A Contextual Policy Analysis of a Cash Programme in a Humanitarian Setting: The Case of the Emergency Social Safety Net in Turkey.” Disasters, April. https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12438 |
Sofie Lilli Stoffel, Kirstin Kreyscher | Hierarchies and Exclusion in Humanitarianism | Sofie Lilli Stoffel and Kirstin Kreyscher, “Children as agents in crises: re-assessing adult-child power dynamics in humanitarian action”, Humanitarian Alternatives, no. 19, March 2022, pp. 8–20, |
Michelle Alm Engvall, Shirin Heidari, Dorothea Hilhorst, Clea Kahn, and Megan Denise Smith | Transactional Sex in Humanitarian Contexts | Alm Engvall, M., Heidari, S., Hilhorst, D., Kahn, C., and Smith, M. (2022) Rethinking Transactional Sex in Humanitarian Settings: Reflections on the Way Forward. International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Blog on Global Development and Social Justice (BLISS). |
Stéphanie Maltais | Étude descriptive de l’agilité de l’humanitaire canadien au temps de la COVID-19 | Maltais S (2022). Étude descriptive de l’agilité et de la résilience de l’humanitaire canadien au temps de la COVID-19, Revue canadienne des études du développement, Avril https://doi.org/10.1080/02255189.2022.2054783 |
Dorothea Hilhorst and Margit van Wessel | Changing practices of humanitarian advocacy | Dorothea Hilhorst and Margit van Wessel (2022, forthcoming). From Humanitarian Diplomacy to Advocacy: A Research Agenda. In: Kees Biekart and Alan Fowler (eds). A Research Agenda for Civil Society. Edward Elgar Publishers |
Kahina Le Louvier and Karen Hough | Borders and Subjectivities: Imagination, bodies, and political experiences | Kahina Le Louvier and Karen Hough, eds. (Forthcoming). UK borderscapes. Routledge Borderlands Series. |
Marta Welander and Susanne Jaspars | Everyday violence and resistance in Europe’s ‘migration management’ during the Covid-19 pandemic | An anthology of essays – Resisting anti-refugee regimes. ‘Everyday violence and resistance in Europe’s ‘migration management’ during the Covid-19 pandemic’. |
Kerrie Holloway | Ebola and accountability | Report: https://odi.org/en/publications/the-democratic-republic-of-congos-10th-ebola-response-lessons-on-international-leadership-and-coordination/ |
Kerrie Holloway | The humanitarian ‘digital divide’ | Policy brief: https://odi.org/en/publications/bridging-humanitarian-digital-divides-during-covid-19/ |