Mohamed Jelle
I am a public health nutritionist experienced in issues of nutrition in emergencies, cash transfers, food security and migration with refugees and IDPs, often within the context of conflicts and natural disasters. I am also a PhD candidate in nutritional epidemiology at the UCL Institute for Global Health. My interest to join the IHSA board is mainly to support the continued development of IHSA as an organisation. Particularly, I will try to contribute to the boards’ tasks in the following ways.
- Being a goodwill ambassador for IHSA and represent it in East and the Horn Africa where I work mostly. I will also promote IHSA’s activities in region as much as I can.
- I would also like to bring innovation and doing things differently. For example, I think we could borrow from Health Systems Global (HSG) board membership, and create regions during elections like the African region, Asia region, EU region etc and allow only people those regions to stands elections for those posts. This if implemented, I believe will reduce the lack of diverse that IHSA board currently faces.
- I would also like to support the creation of thematic technical working groups (TTWGs) that can create networking among members and continue the dissemination role of IHSA even when a conference is not taking place.
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