Would you like to start a working group or like to join one of the current groups, reach out via: info@ihsa.info

Working Group on Research Ethics

The group has three main objectives: Firstly, it will interrogate and help advance ethical commitments in the field of humanitarian studies as formulated for example at the first World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. This objective includes more generally the study of the ethics of humanitarian actors and actions. Secondly, the group hopes to become a key point of reference for the ethical conduct of humanitarian research, in the Global North and the Global South. Thirdly, the group aims to advance the ethics of humanitarian studies with a special focus on fostering humanitarian studies in the Global South and encouraging responsible research uptake by its members but also across the humanitarian sector as a whole.

For further information on the group and its activities please contact: info@ihsa.info

Working Group on Safety and Security
The working group aims to boost and make safety and security initiatives and efforts more widely discussed, developed, and implemented. It offers a space for discussing the safety and security agenda, identifying institutional barriers, and sharing good practices pertaining to the safety, security, and ethical components of doing research. The previous, for those working within their home country and as foreigners, and for academic, practitioners and other actors researching or collecting data on or for humanitarian action. Click on this link for more information.

The Chair of this group is Rod Mena

If you are interested in joining, please contact: info@ihsa.info

Working Group on Humanitarian Education and Pedagogy
Humanitarian Education and Pedagogy Working Group (HEPWG) provides a networking platform for individuals and institutions that deliver education or training relevant to the humanitarian sector. It creates events and opportunities for members to collaborate on issues of humanitarian training, education, and pedagogy.

Events feature not only those focusing on humanitarian education, but also perspectives from the wider pedagogy, education, and training sectors. HEPWG activities span the theoretical to the practical – from presentations of new scholarship to hands-on pedagogical design workshops.

Current coordinators of this group are: Nazanin Zadeh Cummings (Co-Chair),  Jessica Hawkins (Co-Chair), Thea Hilhorst

How to join
To join the HEPWG, please email info@ihsa.info with subject line ‘New HEPWG member.’ Please include your name, institution, and location in the email. You will be put on the HEPWG mailing list. Membership is open to those with an interest in humanitarian training, education, and pedagogy, including but not limited to humanitarian practitioners and trainers, learning designers, researchers, and those delivering humanitarian related courses at higher education (HE) institutions.

Launch event on the 25th of May 2023.