Christopher Cushing is the Director of Innovation at The Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation (GAHI).
I have worked in the Humanitarian sector since 1990 mostly overseas with NGO's, Red Cross, donors and the UN. Currently, I work with the GAHI to scale innovation across the Humanitarian system with practitioners, donors, researchers and academics. Humanitarian studies are a critical part of our work as we develop and promote new tools, methodologies and pathways to scale!
Why am I running:
I have been on the Board of the IHSA since 2011 and would like to run for a second term. I firmly believe that the academic study of humanitarian action is vital for all those concerned about delivering high quality humanitarian aid and advocating for vulnerable people affected by violent conflict and disaster. The IHSA is a unique learning platform for academics, implementing agencies, donors and affected populations to meet and share insights, wisdom and knowledge. I would like to continue to support this effort! Thank you!